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The main error with the WMPDXM.DLL file...

Often frustrated Windows Media Player users contact me to ask about this type of error:


When I install Windows Media Player 9/10, I get a message at the end that says:

"Cannot Complete Windows Media Player 9/10 Series Setup."

It goes on to say:

 "It was not possible to complete Setup. Windows Media Player 9 Series was not installed. To update Windows, run Media Player 9 Series Setup again."

On running setup again you may have problems when running Internet Explorer!

You may get the message:

"Explorer has caused an error in WMPDXM.DLL."

The main error with the WMPDXM.DLL file...

Often frustrated Windows Media Player users contact me to ask about this type of error:


When I install Windows Media Player 9/10, I get a message at the end that says:

"Cannot Complete Windows Media Player 9/10 Series Setup."

It goes on to say:

 "It was not possible to complete Setup. Windows Media Player 9 Series was not installed. To update Windows, run Media Player 9 Series Setup again."

On running setup again you may have problems when running Internet Explorer!

You may get the message:

"Explorer has caused an error in WMPDXM.DLL."


To rectify the simply go to the Start Menu and select Run...

In the small box that opens up type in the following:

regsvr32 msdxm.ocx

Now hit OK and repeat typing in:

regsvr32 dxmasf.dll

Now hit OK.

If Internet Explorer STILL crashes go to the Start Menu and select Run, then type:

regsvr32 wmp.dll

Now hit OK and repeat typing in:

regsvr32 wmpdxm.dll

This should now clear up your problem....

Another not so common WMPDXM.DLL issues...

Another less common WMPDXM.DLL error message I have come across is:


Every time I start my machine, a message comes up:
"Explorer has caused a problem in WMPDXM.DLL"


To rectify this issue you can re-register the WMPDXM.DLL file on your computer. To do this go to the Start Menu and select Run.

In the small box that opens up type in the following:

regsvr32 wmpdxm.dll


WMPDXM.DLL error on install of Windows Media Player 9

When getting errors on installing WMP9 onto your computer it is excellent advice to FIRST check the setup file:


Then look for ANY lines that contain the entry:


An example may be:

ERROR: Dll Registration: Failed for file 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\wmpdxm.dll'

Only then can you begin to isolate the problem.... Once you have the information you can post a request for help in the Windows Media Player newsgroups or type the error code into Google and see if that can provide you with a solution.

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msvcr120.dll  xinput1_3.dll   msvcr100.dll   d3dx9_43.dll  d3dx10_43.dll   msvcp110.dll   msvcp120.dll  msvcr110.dll  xlive.dll  vcredist_x86.exe

reparar dll(baixar arquivo win xp):
Erro *.dll ? Es una libreria de enlace din�mico, t�picamente van en la carpeta System32 aunque algunos programas que incluyen DLL's propias las instalan en su propia carpeta de programa.

Para Win2k la carpeta es C:\Winnt\System32
Para WinXP la carpeta es C:\Windows\System32

Copiarlo aqui ya que debes de correr una utileria para registrarla. Se encuentra en la misma carpeta System32 y el nombre es "regsvr32.exe"

Copia la DLL a System32 y ejecuta lo siguiente:

Borrar dll,Desde Inicio, Ejecutar, escriba lo siguiente (m�s Enter):
regsvr32 -u %windir%\system32\*.dll
Si el comando es ejecutado con �xito, se abrir� una ventana con el texto "DllUnregisterServer en C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.dll se realiz� con �xito.". Ci�rrela pulsando en Aceptar.
Para Win2000
C:\Winnt\System32\regsvr32 C:\Winnt\System32\*.dll
Para WinXP
C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\*.dll
Instalar se necesita archivo librerias dll

Free dlls:dll