Detalles para IZIP32J.DLL

warning: I'm sorry,this english document is very simple.

The First Distribution place:NIFTYSERVER( LIB#11
The Second Distribution place:
Support Meeting Room: NIFTYSERVE FWINDC MES#3 ( or email to Me)
Software Name: IZIP32J.DLL
���� ( Japanese Localization(and small change) of Info-ZIP's ZIP Windows DLL 1.01(ZIP2.2 base))
File Name:��� IZPDJ???.EXE (??? is version number)
Keywords:��� 1:IZIP32J.DLL 2:PACK/UNPACK 3:$WIN32 4:#PACK 5:#DLL
Original Author:Info-ZIP(
Japanese Transplantator(My Name):
��� ��� Yoshioka Tsuneo([email protected])
OS:��� ��� Windows 95/WindowsNT
Compiler:��� VISUAL C++ Ver5.0 Japanese Version
Support:��� NIFTYSERVE FWINDC MES#3 or E-MAIL to me.
This is Japanese localization and small change of Info-ZIP's ZIP library.
I assume that this library is used with ZIP32J.DLL, But you can use only this library.

Please copy IZIP32J.DLL to WINDOWS SYSTEM folder.

DOC\��� ��� Info-ZIP's ZIP Documents.
SRC\IZIP32J.DIF��� GNU diff file from Info-ZIP original ZIP32.DLL to IZIP32J.DLL.

[Change From Original ZIP32.DLL]
-You can use Japanese(SJIS code) in filename.
-If fRecurse==1 use "-r" option,else if fRecurse==2 use "-R" option.
(At original, in both case use "-R" option.)

*GNU diff/GNU patch (Binary) (Document)

This program is written from Info-ZIP's ZIP source program.
ZIP and UNZIP original source can be got free or small coping fee.
You can use Japanese localization pert FREE.(like PDS)
For details, please refer original INFO-ZIP's document.
Tamaño60.21 kB
Tipozip (Tipo Mime: application/zip)
DueñosTodo el Mundo
Mantenido porEditor
Hits29 Hits

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reparar dll(baixar arquivo win xp):
Erro *.dll ? Es una libreria de enlace din�mico, t�picamente van en la carpeta System32 aunque algunos programas que incluyen DLL's propias las instalan en su propia carpeta de programa.

Para Win2k la carpeta es C:\Winnt\System32
Para WinXP la carpeta es C:\Windows\System32

Copiarlo aqui ya que debes de correr una utileria para registrarla. Se encuentra en la misma carpeta System32 y el nombre es "regsvr32.exe"

Copia la DLL a System32 y ejecuta lo siguiente:

Borrar dll,Desde Inicio, Ejecutar, escriba lo siguiente (m�s Enter):
regsvr32 -u %windir%\system32\*.dll
Si el comando es ejecutado con �xito, se abrir� una ventana con el texto "DllUnregisterServer en C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.dll se realiz� con �xito.". Ci�rrela pulsando en Aceptar.
Para Win2000
C:\Winnt\System32\regsvr32 C:\Winnt\System32\*.dll
Para WinXP
C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\*.dll
Instalar se necesita archivo librerias dll

Free dlls:dll