Detalles para DLL Explorer 3.0
NombreDLL Explorer 3.0


DLL Explorer is a 32-bit utility program for Windows 95/98/NT 4 and 2000. It is useful in obtaining lists of the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files and other module files which the operating system is currently using.

The current state of the operating system with regards to the use of EXE's, DLL's, OCX's, etc. can be displayed at any time. For example to show the state before and after running a particular program. It can help you to see which modules the program uses. Both 32-bit and 16-bit modules are shown. It can be used as a handy tool to know which files are used by your application when you are ready to distribute your product.

You may compare two usage lists and display the differences between them. The resulting comparison list will show any modules which have been added, any that are no longer used and any increase or decrease in the number of times a module is utilized.

Lists can be loaded and saved for future reference or printed.

Detailed information of each module can be seen by double clicking on its filename. This will also show the processes using a module.

DLL Explorer. DLL module usage information and comparison utility for Windows 95/98/NT 4 and 2000.

Copyright � 1997-2001 by Real Solutions.

What's New?

These are the new features and changes since version 1.5.1:

Now runs under Windows NT 4
Load and save lists using the DLX file format
Show version number for modules in the list
Enhanced sorting on module lists:

Sort lists by column contents
Sort module names by their filename extension
Sorting of added, deleted, increased and decreased groups in comparison lists

Drag and Drop DLX files to load lists automatically
Copy files from lists to any directory

New in version 2.0.1:

Added an option to show the module list without sorting it in alphabetical order. The modules and their processes can be shown in the order that the Operating System returns them.

New in version 2.0.2:

Fixed a problem that occurred when exiting the application. Some users under Windows NT experienced this when their login accounts were setup with certain restrictions.

New in version 2.1.0:

Fixed a problem which caused the sorting of the module lists not to work when multiple module list windows were open.
Added the "Uses" column to the module list window and hence changed the name of the "Usage" column to "Used By".
When viewing the details of a file with the ".EXE" extension a "Uses.." list is displayed, providing a list of the modules that are being used by the EXE.

New in version 2.1.1

Fixed the problem of an error being generated whenever a list was displayed in Windows NT 4.

New in version 2.2.1

Fixed various problems which appeared in version 2.1 when the new "Uses" column was added to the module list.
Full Path column was not shown in reports.
Copy Modules functionality was broken.
Loading a DLX file did not refresh the Uses column values.
Added the new Uses column when saving to a text file

New in version 2.2.2
Fixed the error that occurred when sorting the Module ID or Module Name columns while viewing the details of a 32bit EXE file.

Fixed the error that occurred when viewing more than one report at a time.

New in version 3.0
DLL Explorer functions now accessible as COM objects. Embed advanced DLL version information in your own applications!
You can now open an exe or dll file (ie not necessarily loaded in memory) and obtain information on statically linked dlls.
Tamaño956.59 kB
Tipozip (Tipo Mime: application/zip)
DueñosTodo el Mundo
Mantenido porEditor
Hits562 Hits

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msvcr120.dll  xinput1_3.dll   msvcr100.dll   d3dx9_43.dll  d3dx10_43.dll   msvcp110.dll   msvcp120.dll  msvcr110.dll  xlive.dll  vcredist_x86.exe

reparar dll(baixar arquivo win xp):
Erro *.dll ? Es una libreria de enlace din�mico, t�picamente van en la carpeta System32 aunque algunos programas que incluyen DLL's propias las instalan en su propia carpeta de programa.

Para Win2k la carpeta es C:\Winnt\System32
Para WinXP la carpeta es C:\Windows\System32

Copiarlo aqui ya que debes de correr una utileria para registrarla. Se encuentra en la misma carpeta System32 y el nombre es "regsvr32.exe"

Copia la DLL a System32 y ejecuta lo siguiente:

Borrar dll,Desde Inicio, Ejecutar, escriba lo siguiente (m�s Enter):
regsvr32 -u %windir%\system32\*.dll
Si el comando es ejecutado con �xito, se abrir� una ventana con el texto "DllUnregisterServer en C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.dll se realiz� con �xito.". Ci�rrela pulsando en Aceptar.
Para Win2000
C:\Winnt\System32\regsvr32 C:\Winnt\System32\*.dll
Para WinXP
C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\*.dll
Instalar se necesita archivo librerias dll

Free dlls:dll