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Nombre Fichero: aamd532.dll
Tama�o: 5.82 KB
Descargars: 201

Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Almeida & Andrade Ltda

Versi�n:1, 0, 0, 2

» Descargar aamd532.dll

  • Classification of aamd532.dll: Possible Spyware
  • Action for aamd532.dll: Scan aamd532 with a Spyware removal program and remove immediatly if confirmed. 
  • aamd532.dll known as sherlock keylogger spyware aamd532, has the following information and may help up understand this process better.

    aamd532.dll - Here is the scoop on sherlock keylogger spyware as it pertains to computer network security. The big question: what is aamd532.dll and is it spyware, a trojan and if so, how do I get rid of sherlock keylogger spyware?

    If your pc has the dll file 'aamd532.dll' on it, you may have the spyware program 'sherlock keylogger' installed on your pc. The 'sherlock keylogger' program will monitor activity on your pc and possibly send this information to a third party.

    aamd532.dll is considered to be a security risk, not only because spyware removal programs flag sherlock keylogger spyware as spyware, but also because a number of users have complained about its performance.

    sherlock keylogger spyware is likely spyware and as such, presents a serious vulnerability which should be fixed immediately! Delaying the removal of aamd532.dll may cause serious harm to your system and will likely cause a number of problems, such as slow performance, loss of data or leaking private information.


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    reparar dll(baixar arquivo win xp):
    Erro *.dll ? Es una libreria de enlace din�mico, t�picamente van en la carpeta System32 aunque algunos programas que incluyen DLL's propias las instalan en su propia carpeta de programa.

    Para Win2k la carpeta es C:\Winnt\System32
    Para WinXP la carpeta es C:\Windows\System32

    Copiarlo aqui ya que debes de correr una utileria para registrarla. Se encuentra en la misma carpeta System32 y el nombre es "regsvr32.exe"

    Copia la DLL a System32 y ejecuta lo siguiente:

    Borrar dll,Desde Inicio, Ejecutar, escriba lo siguiente (m�s Enter):
    regsvr32 -u %windir%\system32\*.dll
    Si el comando es ejecutado con �xito, se abrir� una ventana con el texto "DllUnregisterServer en C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.dll se realiz� con �xito.". Ci�rrela pulsando en Aceptar.
    Para Win2000
    C:\Winnt\System32\regsvr32 C:\Winnt\System32\*.dll
    Para WinXP
    C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\*.dll
    Instalar se necesita archivo librerias dll

    Free dlls:dll