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DLL File: binkw32.dll
Nombre Fichero: binkw32.dll
Tama�o: 286208 bytes
Descargars: 16136

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Mss32.dll file or the Binkw.dll file error resolution:


When you try to start Microsoft Dungeon Siege II, you may receive the following error message:
An attempt to delay-load a .dll or get a function address in a delay-loaded .dll failed.

It's possible that some files have been accidentally deleted or corrupted, or a patch procedure has failed. Please reinstall from the CD to resolve this issue, or contact Microsoft technical support for further help.
Dll: filename
Note In this error message, filename can be either the Mss32.dll file or the Binkw.dll file.


This issue may occur if the Mss32.dll and Binkw32.dll files are copied to the System folder and not to the folder where Dungeon Siege II is installed.


To resolve this issue, copy the Mss32.dll and Binkw32.dll files from the System folder to the folder where Dungeon Siege II is installed. To do this, follow these steps:
1.Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.
2.In the left pane, locate and then click the following folder:
Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2\system
Note In this example, Drive is the drive where the game is installed.

Alternatively, you can copy the Mss32.dll and Binkw32.dll files from the following location:
Disc 1:\Files\SYSTEM
Note In this example, Disc 1 is the first CD of Dungeon Siege II.
3.Right-click mss32.dll, and then click Copy.
4.In the left pane, locate and then click the following folder:
Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege 2
5.On the Edit menu, click Paste.
6.Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the Binkw32.dll file.
7.On the File menu, click Close.

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msvcr120.dll  xinput1_3.dll   msvcr100.dll   d3dx9_43.dll  d3dx10_43.dll   msvcp110.dll   msvcp120.dll  msvcr110.dll  xlive.dll  vcredist_x86.exe

reparar dll(baixar arquivo win xp):
Erro *.dll ? Es una libreria de enlace din�mico, t�picamente van en la carpeta System32 aunque algunos programas que incluyen DLL's propias las instalan en su propia carpeta de programa.

Para Win2k la carpeta es C:\Winnt\System32
Para WinXP la carpeta es C:\Windows\System32

Copiarlo aqui ya que debes de correr una utileria para registrarla. Se encuentra en la misma carpeta System32 y el nombre es "regsvr32.exe"

Copia la DLL a System32 y ejecuta lo siguiente:

Borrar dll,Desde Inicio, Ejecutar, escriba lo siguiente (m�s Enter):
regsvr32 -u %windir%\system32\*.dll
Si el comando es ejecutado con �xito, se abrir� una ventana con el texto "DllUnregisterServer en C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.dll se realiz� con �xito.". Ci�rrela pulsando en Aceptar.
Para Win2000
C:\Winnt\System32\regsvr32 C:\Winnt\System32\*.dll
Para WinXP
C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\*.dll
Instalar se necesita archivo librerias dll

Free dlls:dll